Thursday, March 22, 2012

Show Results

The artist reception for The Woman's Club was last night, and even though
I did not win anything this year, it was an honor to be among about
160 artists that were in the show.  There were definitely some fabulous
paintings to view in the show.

On another note, I was at my second artist reception tonight at Gallery 104
in LaGrange, Ky and I won Honorable Mention!  This was quite an honor
considering that Jamie Corum was the judge.  I have always admired her
art.  So imagine my excitement when she picked my painting for an award.
Thank you Jamie.  I also have to thank Mike Parks for the great subject
that he allowed me to paint.  It was nice to meet you, your wife and friends.

Picture of the second event to come.

1 comment:

  1. Cool another award, way to go. We are so proud of you.
