Sunday, September 14, 2014

Old Distillery

Enjoyed painting this old distillery at
a friends farm today.
12x9, oil on board, original, SOLD

Whitehall Series

Whitehall is a beautiful place to have 
weddings or parties of any kind.  Love 
to paint there.  

Monday, September 1, 2014

June through October 2014

The Exhibit "Olmsted Parks II" paintings by the "Plein Air
Painters of Kentucky" has been extended through October of this calendar year. One of the main reasons it has been extended is because we have over 80 paintings of the parks; 19 paintings sold during the original exhibit. The parks are so well received by everyone and those that were sold are now off the walls, leaving us with space for new work that hasn't been seen.

People are on vacation during the summer months and so many missed the opening that this was a win-win for everyone to extend the exhibit. So, if you didn't get to stop by the first showing, please do come by anytime and view this wonderful work by 28 KY Plein Air Painters!

The Gallery Hours are: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from
11:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m. and Saturday 11:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. or by appointment.
We are out painting on site each Thursday through October.

Thanks, and please do drop by the Gallery to say hello!
For address please click on link below.

These are just a few on my paintings that are on display
and for sale in the show along with 27 other artists.

August 30, 2014 

Tom Sawyer State Park

Always fun to go painting with friends, but when you
meet new friends that is always an added bonus.
Met a gentleman, Ken Tripp, riding his bike and getting 
prepared for a charity ride for Parkinsons.
He stopped and took pictures of my painting and
added them to his blog.  Please feel free to take
a look and donate if you can.  

 August 21, 2014

Painted at Gardens at Ray Eden.  There is
a white cat on the chair that got me interested
in this composition and I didn't even have time
to put it in the painting. Not that you would even 
see it. Ha!  

July 24, 2014

Painted at Whitehall, and was able to produce
this in about 40 minutes.  Will go back sometime
this summer and finish it.

June 2, 2014
