Monday, September 1, 2014

August 30, 2014 

Tom Sawyer State Park

Always fun to go painting with friends, but when you
meet new friends that is always an added bonus.
Met a gentleman, Ken Tripp, riding his bike and getting 
prepared for a charity ride for Parkinsons.
He stopped and took pictures of my painting and
added them to his blog.  Please feel free to take
a look and donate if you can.  

 August 21, 2014

Painted at Gardens at Ray Eden.  There is
a white cat on the chair that got me interested
in this composition and I didn't even have time
to put it in the painting. Not that you would even 
see it. Ha!  

July 24, 2014

Painted at Whitehall, and was able to produce
this in about 40 minutes.  Will go back sometime
this summer and finish it.

June 2, 2014


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