Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Lawrence Rudolech Workshop

There was a great opportunity to take a
three day workshop with Larry Rudolech.
Two days were beautiful and sunny, the third
day not so much. In between the raindrops the sun
peeked out and I took advantage of the moment.

Thanks to Larry, the way I paint in plein air was
completely turned around for the best. 
The biggest tip that worked for me was to paint
the focal point first and the background last.
That was new for me, because I have always 
painted the background first and focal point last.
Now, this idea did not work for everyone.
It is something to consider if you are looking
for a new way to paint.

Below are the seven new paintings that I
finished at the workshop.
Thank you for viewing my paintings.

Seven New Paintings

Tree in Morning Light, Original, Oil on board, $450 (12 x 16) 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Show Results

Well, I am pleased to announce that I received an Honorable Mention 
at the Mellwood Art Center Show.
My paintings "Flute" which features the 
2001 Ky Oaks winner with the lilies.
Thank you judges for the compliment. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Derby Inspired

Well, here they are!
My latest two paintings ready to go in the show.
Please come and see all of the beautiful art work
that will be on display (info below).
First:  "Yum", oil on canvas, 16x20, $675
Second:  "Feel the Wind", oil on canvas, 36x24, $1300  

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mellwood Center Art Show

There is an art show opening Ky Derby week.

The Figurative Collective

Derby Exhibition
Gallery M @ Mellwood Art Center
April 27th through July 1, 2012
April 27th, 2012 7-9pm Reception and Awards   Gallery M
To Paint -  the spirit of women or horses in all settings is legendary,
from the quiet pastoral walk in the field
to the power and energy of the horse racing world. 

Saturday, March 31, 2012


Have to pause from painting for a moment to enjoy
the wisteria on my deck.  I have the pleasure of 
viewing and smelling this awesome plant each
year that the frost doesn't get it.  Which is about 1
out of every 3 years.  Can YOU smell it?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Winning Photo

Karen was the awesome show coordinator.

Here I am, winning Honorable Mention
at the 2012 Animal Attraction Show in LaGrange, Ky. 
It was a fun evening.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Show Results

The artist reception for The Woman's Club was last night, and even though
I did not win anything this year, it was an honor to be among about
160 artists that were in the show.  There were definitely some fabulous
paintings to view in the show.

On another note, I was at my second artist reception tonight at Gallery 104
in LaGrange, Ky and I won Honorable Mention!  This was quite an honor
considering that Jamie Corum was the judge.  I have always admired her
art.  So imagine my excitement when she picked my painting for an award.
Thank you Jamie.  I also have to thank Mike Parks for the great subject
that he allowed me to paint.  It was nice to meet you, your wife and friends.

Picture of the second event to come.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Storm is Brewing

This was a painting I did in Westport, Ky on the river.
Even though I am new to the scene when it comes to
plein air painting, I believe someday I will learn how
to be loose in my paintings.  This one is the closest I
have come to achieving that.    

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Woman's Club Show

Yeah! I acquired Daniel Boone for the Woman's Club Show.  
The show runs from March 21 - March 29.
Please come and view local artists' works.
1320 South Fourth St.
Louisville, Ky 40208 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Daniel Boone Statue

I am about to enter this painting in the
Woman's Club of Louisville, I hope.
I have to borrow it back from my sister!
Daniel Boone has always been one of my favorite 
people, and I love looking at this statue everytime
I pass it in Cherokee Park in Louisville.
Please feel free to comment about the paintings on
my blog.  Thanks

Saturday, March 10, 2012


24 x 18, oil on canvas
Contact the artist for pricing.

I just finished this beautiful heron for a show in
LaGrange, Ky.  Gallery 104  is having a fun show called 
"Animal Attraction" until May 12th.  My reference photo 
for this painting came from Mike Parks